Presentations on DemandAffordable pre-recorded presentations that can be watched anytime, anywhere.
Health, Healing and Traditional Medicine
Colette BourgonjeTriumph + Perseverance + Inspiration
Ranked one of the world’s foremost Paralympian athletes, Colette Bourgonje is a ten-time medalist in both the summer and winter Olympic games. Inducted into the Canadian Disability, Saskatoon, and Canadian Sport Halls of Fame, Colette has inspired countless audiences with her story of immeasurable strength and perseverance. Paving her own path with a fierce resilience, Colette empowers us to endure and reimagine adversity to reach our biggest hopes and dreams.
Jaris SwidrovichPharmacist + Health Care + Educator + Two-Spirit
CIHR funding recipient, National Pharmacy Leadership Award winner and named one of CBC Saskatchewan’s "Future 40", Dr. Jaris Swidrovich is Canada's first self-identified First Nations Doctor of Pharmacy. Professor, Mentor, and Community leader, Swidrovich brings his experience of bridging organizational needs with Health Care mandates. Jaris is a Two Spirit Champion passionate about health, education, and how Indigenous and marginalized people are impacted at all levels. He integrates personal stories to explain complex issues which resonate with listeners of all ages. His powerful presentations illustrate how we can all be part of the cure and partake in the TRC’s Calls to Action.
Joel PedersenLeadership + Resiliency + Motivation
As the most senior non-commissioned officer appointed by the Minister of National Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff, Joel Pedersen is the embodiment of perseverance and determination. The only First Nations Chief Warrant Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, Joel recognizes the importance of collaboration in strengthening communities. Decorated soldier, police sergeant, and fitness guru, Joel inspires audiences to go beyond their own expectations, embrace resiliency, and discover their leadership potential.
Raven SinclairGender Equality + Education + Inclusion
She is one of Canada’s most sought after experts on the ‘60s Scoop’ era, and federally appointed Expert Adviser to the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation. As Director and Executive Producer of the Film ‘Truth to be Told’, Dr. Raven Sinclair uncovers the atrocious facts of this period in Canadian history. As an author, of ‘Wicihitowin-Aboriginal Social Work in Canada’, Sinclair is creating effective and respectful methods of working with diverse populations specifically Indigenous peoples. As Associate Professor of Social Work and Researcher, this Nehiyaw-Cree Champion of George Gordon First Nation is transforming misconceptions regarding diversity and identity.